Feminine Hygiene: Is Yoni Wash Safe?
Is vaginal odor normal? Should I use feminine wash? Is natural Yoni soap safer? Get the inside scoop on feminine hygiene to ensure only the best for your Yoni wellness.
Vaginal odor is the #1 concern driving modern women’s use of feminine hygiene products such as yoni wash. Much of the messaging around commercially available intimate washes, douches, and yoni oils perpetuate a belief that a ‘clean’ and ‘odorless’ vagina is the holy grail of feminine wellness.
Unfortunately, the growing cultural intolerance of vaginal odor, discharge, and bacteria is driven by a poor sexual health education alongside unnecessary fear and shame associated with an ‘unclean’ vagina.
Could terms such as “fresh”, “discreet”, “detox”, and “protection” cleverly sprinkled throughout these messages be disguising a dated and false underlying belief that vaginas are dirty, smelly, or even dangerous?
The truth is, the yoni is a self-cleaning organ that usually requires little, if any, help with its internal cleansing process. In fact, the more we interfere with its internal environment, the more irritated and imbalanced things get down there!
BUT…the vulva is an entirely different story!
The vulva is the outer surface of the yoni (labia, clitoris, Venus mound, etc.), which does require cleansing through a feminine hygiene practice to reduce odor-causing bacteria and remove debris (urine, sweat, oil, and vaginal secretions). This is where a well-formulated intimate wash can be of use!
Keep reading to learn more about maintaining a healthy vagina and how to use a feminine wash to supports your intimate wellness goals.
A feminine wash—also known as intimate wash, yoni wash, or yoni soap—is a cleansing product formulated for use on the outer female genitals (vulva and general pubic region). Typically, feminine washes are water-based cleansers formulated to be gentler on the skin than soap and non-irritating.
Feminine washes are special gel-like formulas containing gentler cleansers and skin nourishment at a lower pH than your typical shower gel or soap. Yoni soaps are very alkaline and come in the form of a solid soap bar.
Natural yoni wash is one of the biggest trends in the alternative feminine care market. Yoni washes are often made from primary plant-based ingredients such as castile soap and are marketed as a safer alternative to a commercial feminine wash.
However, ‘natural’ and ‘plant-based’ don’t always mean safer or yoni-friendly. In fact, many ‘yoni wash’ formulas contain alkaline soaps and essential oils that disrupt the yoni’s pH and microbiome leading to irritation and a potential bacterial overgrowth.
The main purpose of using a feminine wash to cleanse the vulva without experiencing the irritation caused by soap. Of course, this benefit depends on ingredients, how the Yoni wash is used (frequency, amount, physical application, etc.), and how the ingredients interact with your body chemistry.
Here are some of the benefits of using a yoni wash:
- Cleanliness and freshness
- Reduced odor
- Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral
- pH balance
- Protection against dryness, razor bumps, or ingrown hairs
The most important factors to look for in an intimate wash are ingredients that gently cleanse without disrupting the yoni’s natural pH and microbiome (microorganism balance that essential to maintain health).
Every yoni is different based on genetics, biology, and lifestyle—what works well for you may be irritating to someone else. Feminine washes are special formulas containing gentler cleansers and skin nourishment at a lower pH than a typical shower gel or soap.
Consider how the ingredients in your intimate wash may affect your yoni pH, allergies (if any), and skin type. It may be useful to patch-test your intimate wash on the inside of your forearm 24 hours before use on your vulva.
A healthy Yoni maintains an acidic environment wherein your normal microflora can thrive and promote health with a pH between 3.8-4.5. Water is neutral (pH of 7) and soap is alkaline (pH of 9-10) due to its molecular structure. This is true for ALL soap—there is no such thing as a pH-balanced soap that matches the acidic Yoni environment, it is chemically impossible!
Therefore, you may want to think twice about solid yoni soap bars. Although they may be useful for general skin cleansing, they are so alkaline that they will disrupt the vaginal microbiome and pH.
What’s happens with a after a pH disruption?
If the a portion of the vaginal microbiome cannot survive a pH change, this will offset the balance of resident bacteria and yeast. A decrease in bacteria can lead to yeast overgrowth known as a yeast infection characterized by redness, itching, burning, and possible cottage cheese-like discharge. In the same fashion, a bacterial overgrowth can result in bacterial vaginosis (BV) known for a fishy odor and possible abnormal discharge (yellowish-greenish).
A fishy vaginal odor is not normal and may indicate a case of BV. Remember, over-cleansing the yoni is one of the main ways to directly cause BOTH of these conditions. This information is not meant to diagnose illness or be used a medical advice. If you ever experience vaginal irritation of any sort, contact your licensed feminine healthcare provider immediately.
Most natural Yoni washes consist primarily of a castile soap or detergent base along with botanical oils, botanical extracts, and (sometimes) fragrances or essential oils. Soap is drying and irritating due to its alkalinity, and fragrances/essential oils can be very irritating to mucous membrane tissue due to their molecular structure.
Sulfates are detergents that have been safely used in skin cleansers for many years, but developed a bad reputation for the way that they were used at one point in time. For instance, sodium lauryl sulfate is a safe and effective cleanser when used in very low concentrations with other skin-friendly ingredients. However, sodium lauryl sulfate can cause irritation if used alone or in too high of a concentration.
The sulfate-free trend began several years ago to quell consumer fears of skin irritation. However, sulfate-free products can also be just as irritating based on how they are formulated. The bottom line is that quality and safety are a result of a good product – not just one ingredient. Also, ‘natural’ does not always mean safer or yoni-friendly.
So, just because an intimate wash contains chemical ingredients does not mean that it is less safe. Also, more plant-based ingredients do not render it more safe. Every feminine wash label (and website) should have its ingredients listed in order from most abundant to least. For more information of each ingredient, visit the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Skin Deep Cosmetics Database.
Adding a professionally formulated feminine wash to your daily routine can be a great asset to your intimate wellness regimen. With that said, it is important to know your body, your goals, and how the ingredients help you meet those goals.
Unlinke soaps or shower gels, intimate washes contain a gentler blend of ingredients that soften, cleanse, and rejuvenate the skin without causing a massive disruption to the yoni pH. These products are formulated at a much lower pH than a soap to work is harmony with your body – they are not the same as a shower gel, soap, or facial cleanser.
With small businesses manufacturing small-batch yoni care products on the rise, it is important to know that not all yoni care products are created equally. The training and experience of individuals who formulate their own natural yoni care products can vary widely with many entrepreneurs lacking the fundamental education in chemistry, herbalism, research methods, and health science that is needed to effectively formulate safe cosmetics for intimate use.
Anyone formulating their own yoni care products for sale should have a thorough understanding of:
- Microbiology, infection control and infectious diseases
- The identity, purpose, function, and professional use of every ingredient used in their products
- How each ingredient affects living organisms including human body systems and vulvar tissue
- Which ingredient(s) are responsible for each claim and why (i.e. Odor elimination, pH-balanced, soothing, etc.)
Most of the handmade cosmetics sold by individuals are copycat recipes that were publicized online by digital influencers. Although these recipes are usually safe for personal use, a hidden danger may be lurking within—bacteria and fungi.
Any product containing water must have a preservative for safe sale and use. Without a preservative, water-containing formulas must be refrigerated and disposed of if not used within 2-3 days. Yet, there are plenty of yoni washes containing water on the market that highlight citric acid or apple cider vinegar (ACV) on the label—these are not preservatives.
Preservatives are often frowned upon in the realm of natural products, but natural doesn’t always mean healthy. The presence of water in any formula gives rise to the growth of bacteria and fungal spores within a few days of preparation, and can wreak havoc on your skin and your yoni. Many formulators are unaware of this and may not understand that a products that looks and smells great can still harbor millions of microscopic organisms that are not visible to the naked eye.
Another important note is that many handmade yoni care products and cosmetics on the market are private-label formulas that were made in China and repackaged in the United States by the seller (i.e. Yoni detox pears, boric acid suppositories, and washes). Don’t assume that sellers are educated and properly trained to formulate cosmetics—do your research.
Yes, but let’s clarify what is meant by ‘odor’. Here are the facts:
- A healthy vagina naturally produces a fleshy or musky odor (not fishy).
- A healthy vagina is intuitive, responsive, self-balancing, and home to a flourishing microbiome.
- A healthy vagina produces regular secretions (a.k.a discharge) to maintain its moisture, cleanliness, pH, and immune health.
- A healthy vagina does not require the use of internal cleansing products.
“…All vaginas don’t smell, or taste, the same…but they do all smell. Every woman has a different musky scent, and we tend to be very attuned to our own smell, even when no one else is aware of it…Odor tends to come from sweat – the vulva and vagina have sweat glands, like elsewhere on your body. And the scent may change as our menstrual cycle progresses, in response to hormones, or at the end of the day. Noticing vaginal odor, if it’s your normal one, does not mean you don’t have good hygiene or (god forbid) should start douching. No need to buy those scented sprays, either – the chemicals may give you a bad reaction, or lead to copious amounts of discharge. Your vagina should smell like…a vagina.”
—A quote by gynecologist, Dr. Kate from an article published in Glamour Magazine
Besides the toll on self-esteem and body image, assuming that vaginas aren’t supposed to have an odor, that discharge is questionable, or that the yoni needs to be detoxed often causes more harm than good. Constant attempts by women to meet such unrealistic expectations of their bodies may actually encourage the very irritation and infection that they wish to prevent.
- Eat Well
- Drink Water
- Cleanse Responsibly
- Practice Aftercare
- Address Fatigue
- Embody Self-Awareness
- Educate Yourself
For a deep dive into these 7 tips, read my post on cultivating health and beauty from the inside out.
In closing, the next time that you find yourself pondering the best yoni wash for feminine odor or simply wondering what is the best way to cleanse your vagina—remember that a healthy yoni requires internal self-care and daily external cleansing of the vulva using a gentle intimate wash.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you experience itching, burning, irritation, any signs of an infection, a fishy odor, or any other intimate health concerns—please contact your doctor immediately to determine the best path forward.
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